Will California’s Bullet Train Be Solyndra Times Seven?
Chris Reed has a must read article in the City Journal pointing out some of the extreme revenue assumptions made by the California High-Speed Rail Authority. For example, back in 2008, [...]
Proposal to Cap California Gas Taxes
George Runner, a member of the State Board of Equalization is seeking to persuade lawmakers to support a limit on gas taxes in the event gas prices continue to exceed [...]
California’s Reliance on the One Percent
Currently, California relies disproportionately on high-income earners. As can be expected, states that rely the most on the wealthy now have the largest budget gaps to fill as the downturn in [...]
Test, test.
Employee Could Not Deduct Forgiven Interest on Employer’s Loan
In a recent Tax Court case a taxpayer employee was denied interest deductions on a loan from his employer after the employer forgave the loan.The taxpayer was recruited as a [...]
California’s Greek Tragedy
I was reading a recent article in the Wall Street Journal entitled "California's Greek Tragedy" and ran across this shocking statistic:From the mid-1980s to 2005, California's population grew by 10 million, while Medicaid recipients [...]