To Avoid 21% Sales Tax Theater Sells $16 Carrots–Gives Away Tickets
In what can be considered the most original method of avoiding (or evading) a draconian 21% sales tax, a Spanish theater has actually resorted to "selling" carrots for $16 a [...]
What the Passage of Prop 30 Means for You
Proposition 30 was passed on Tuesday carrying about 54% of the vote. Here's what it means.There will be an across the board sales tax increase from a base rate of [...]
Sacramento Man Hit With 17 Year-Old Tax Bill
Bill Elkins, a 66-year-old man from Sacramento was recently hit with a $6,166.39 tax bill from the Franchise Tax Board involving a tax debt from 1995. The state says he [...]
Proposition 30 and that $6 Billion in Education Cuts
One of the most prevalent arguments in favor of Proposition 30 is that without it, education spending will be subject to $6 billion in "trigger cuts" that will result in [...]
So Did The Wall Street CEOs Actually Call For Tax Hikes to Fix the Deficit?
On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal published a letter from over 100 major CEOs apparently calling for tax hikes in an effort to reduce the deficit.Almost immediately, the letter was [...]
Obama’s 20 Page Booklet and Offshore Tax Incentives
tekddkIn the booklet, called “The New Economic Patriotism: A Plan For Jobs and Middle-Class Security,” Obama touts his success at keeping the American auto industry alive through government life support, [...]