Gerard Depardieu Fires Back at Critics Attacking His Tax Saving Move to Belgium
Recently, Gerard Depardieu, France's most famous actor, announced that he would be moving from France to Belgium in response to the ever increasing French tax rates on the wealthy. This announcement was [...]
Should I Really Make a Large Gift Before the End of 2012?
Many estate planners, CPAs and valuation experts are busy right now assisting clients who are making extremely large gifts in an effort to maximize the current $5.12MM gift tax exemption. [...]
Income Tax Rates Rise…Revenues Fall: The UK’s Vanishing Millionaires
From the WSJ editorial page, Politicians would love to lay the whole burden of their policies on a tiny minority of the rich, but you can't finance the welfare state [...]
Are Tax Hikes The Cure For CA Budget Woes?
One can only wait and see how the Passage of Prop 30 will affect California, but politcal cartoonist Michael Ramirez has his own take.(Coutesy of National Review)
As Goes San Bernardino, So Goes CA?
There is an absolute must-read article from Reuters that examines San Bernardino's downward spiral in exhaustive detail.Below are some of the tidbits that were shocking:Yet on close examination, the city's [...]
Occupy Wall Street Group Buys Consumer Debt–Then Just Forvgives It: a bailout of the 99%
I first read about the movement called Rolling Jubilee the other day and I must admit that I am fascinated by it.According to its website, the group buys up consumer [...]