Will the Chris Dorner $1 Million Reward Ever be Paid Out?
With the charred remains found at the Big Bear cabin being positively identified as Chris Dorner's, the question remains, what is the fate of the promised $1 million reward offered [...]
Memorable Tax Quotes
A tax loophole is “something that benefits the other guy. If it benefits you, it is tax reform.” — Russell B. Long, U.S. Senator“Taxes are what we pay for civilized [...]
Pres. Obama Lectured on the 10% Biblical Tithe and the U.S. Tax System
On Thursday's National Prayer Breakfast, renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson gave a 25 minute address that lambasted political correctness, proposed changes to Obamacare and urged tax reform.One of his more [...]
Converting From a For-Proft to a Nonprofit Entity
Under California and Federal law, it is possible for a for-profit corporation to convert to a nonprofit entity. This conversion really has two components: i) making the change for state [...]
Obama Warns of Increasing Taxes…Again
For those who thought that federal tax increases had been settled...think again.In a statement issued Tuesday morning, President Obama proposed delaying sequestration to craft a compromised budget that would have a [...]
What We Can Learn From the 100th Anniversary of the Federal Income Tax
Just a few days ago marked the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 16th Amendment, which enabled the establishment of the U.S. federal income tax.The 16th Amendment has a fascinating [...]