How to Avoid Tax Refund Delays in Light of the Government Shutdown
While we are in the midst of the longest government shutdown on record, many have begun to worry about the possibility of delays when it comes to the issuance of [...]
IRS Announces No Clawback for Large Gifts!
When the Trump tax plan was passed, one of the most-discussed items in the estate planning community was the fact that estate and generation-skipping exemptions were doubled to a whopping [...]
Proposition 13 Under Fire
As many predicted, 2020 will be the year not only of the Gas Tax repeal initiative (an anti-tax initiative); but also the year that Proposition 13 may be impacted by [...]
Gas Tax Repeal Will Appear on November CA Ballot
State officials have announced today that sufficient signatures were gathered and verified to qualify the gas tax and vehicle fee repeal as a November ballot initiative. Look for boths sides [...]
Trump Tax Plan a Mixed Bag For Californians
I'll try to share some more insights on the recently passed tax bill in a bit, but in the meantime, here are a few snippets from an Atlantic article that [...]
It’s Official–California is # 1! (in gas prices)
Let the drumroll begin . . . California now has the highest gas prices in the nation! We even beat out Hawaii, a state that has to ship in their petroleum [...]