When Employees Engage in Political Activities
Recently, a federal judge in Virginia ruled that a litigant's action of clicking the "like" button on a Facebook page did not merit protection by the First Amendment of the [...]
Not All Is Well On Wisteria Lane — A Desperate Housewife And A Desperate Lawsuit
Last week the California Court of Appeal ruled on the lawsuit between Nicollette Sheridan (Edie) and Touchstone Television Productions, the company that produced the TV show, Desperate Housewives. Sheridan sought [...]
Accommodating Religious Practices in the Workplace — Disney in the News
The Los Angeles Daily Journal, a legal newspaper, is reporting that Imane Boudhal is suing Disney, claiming that she was sent home three times without pay for wearing a hijab [...]
Medical Examinations for Applicants — Penske Takes It on the Chin
The Department of Fair Employment and Housing ("DFEH") has announced a $450,000 settlement with Penske Logistics on behalf of 13 delivery drivers. Penske took over delivery of the Fresno Bee when the [...]
Workplace Hotheads — Can They Be Sued?
The ABA Journal published an article about a news columnist in Alaska who responded to an inquiry by a law firm employee who wants to sue her boss. www.abajournal.com/news/article. The article [...]
Attorneys’ Fees on an Appeal of a Labor Commissioner Decision: Arias v. Kardoulias
I'm reminded of the addage -- pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered -- as I read the case of Arias v. Kardoulias 2012 DJDAR 10297 (July 26, 2012). Arias filed a claim [...]