Sexual Harassment Does Not Require Sexual Motive
Two years ago, a California appellate court ruled in the case of Kelly v. The Conco Companies, Inc. (2011) 196 Cal.App.4th 191 that a man's claim of sexual harassment could [...]
Effect of Prop 8 and DOMA Rulings Minimal
I have been asked for my opinion on the Surpreme Court Prop 8 and DOMA rulings, both in terms of the outcome and the effect on the workplace. Here goes. I [...]
On-Call Can Mean Pay Up: Mendiola v. CPS Security Solutions, Inc.
Paying someone to do nothing is a tough pill for an employer to swallow. However, that is exactly what employers must do if they control their employees' "off" hours with [...]
Another Claim Against Kaweah Delta — When Is The Employer Liable for Employee Acts?
I recently read the sad story in a newspaper of a patient at Kaweah Delta hospital who was raped by a hospital employee. The employee pled guilty to this rape [...]
Amy’s Baking Company Would Be In Big Trouble In California!
I read an interesting article about Amy's Baking Company in Scottsdale, Arizona. Perhaps they can bake a mean cake, but they can't manage people. The company compels employees to sign [...]
Black Swan — A Dirty Little Secret in Hollywood
Another seedy side of Hollywood is making an appearance in the mainstream media. Interns who worked on the film, Black Swan, have sued Fox Searchlight claiming they were employees entitled [...]