NRLB, EEOC, DFEH — Measuring Success by the Money They Collect From Employers
Just prior to Labor Day the NLRB has announce the development of a new app. The NLRB publicized the app with these words, “The app provides employers, employees and unions [...]
Donning, Doffing & Security Check Points
The Ninth Circuit recently held, in Busk v. Integrity Staffing Solutions CITE, that the time workers spend passing through security checkpoints after work may be compensable. Security checkpoints are often [...]
SB 462 — The California Legislature Shifts the Balance Against Employers … Again
It's all about the money. This is something the trial lawyers and their friends in the California Legislature know all too well. Labor Code section 218.5 requires that attorneys' fees be paid [...]
It Didn’t Take Long for the Other Shoe to Drop — Another Lawsuit Against Kaweah Delta for Negligent Hiring / Supervision
On July 17th I wrote about a lawsuit filed by a patient who alleged she was sexually assaulted by a Kaweah Delta Hospital employee. That blog discussed when an employer [...]
Take Your Lunch To Work On August 29th — Striking Fast Food Workers
Employees at fast food restaurants and retail stores are planning a nationwide strike on Thursday, August 29th. So don't count on a burger at lunch. Instead, dine at an expensive [...]
Put It In Writing — Commission Compensation
The best defense against a lawsuit is compliance with the law. Unfortunately, employers don't always understand the law or choose to ignore it. The result is often a lawsuit. This week [...]