1st Grade Harassers
Thank goodness for the swift disciplinary action taken by administrators at a Colorado elementary school! A six year old boy kissed the girl on whom he has a crush! His [...]
Ouch! Really Bad Arguments Result in Big Fines from the Labor Commissioner
Whenever a complaint is filed with the Labor Commissioner, the defendant will be required to provide proof of workers' compensation insurance. This is something that an employer should take seiously. [...]
“Retiring with More Dignity and Comfort”
These were the words uttered by a union leader after the International Association of Machinists District 751 overwhelmingly rejected Boeing's contract offer with 67 percent of the vote. Boeing's offer [...]
The Devil is in the Details — San Francisco’s Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance
The Family Friendly Workplace Ordinance (FFWO). The name sounds wonderful. Who doesn't want a family friendly workplace? The goal in life is to be happy. And we find much of [...]
Was It “Clear Sailing” to $1.9 Million in Attorneys’ Fees?
Five years ago a barista claimed that Starbucks forced her and co-workers to work off the clock and miss meal breaks. (See our September 17, 2013 blog post.) The case [...]
FLGZ is an HRCI Approved Provider
I am pleased to report that as of November 1, 2013, Fishman, Larsen, Chaltraw & Zeitler is an HR Certification Institute Approved Provider. We encourage all HR professionals to obtain their HR [...]