Is Your Business An Easy Target for a Paycheck Stub Lawsuit?
Section 226 of the Labor Code requires that employers put certain information on an itemized wage statement, otherwise known as a paycheck stub. If the employee suffers injury due to [...]
Co-Workers Fail to Notice Their Dead Colleague for Two Days
BBC is reporting that a tax auditor in Finland died at his desk and that no one noticed for two days. What am I supposed to understand about this situation? [...]
The Restroom Peeper — Rehired to Peep Again
You can't make this stuff up! David Chavez, a cashier for QuikStop in Caruthers, California, was arrested, and convicted, of recording persons using the store restroom. In January a court [...]
Retaliation Tops the List of EEOC Charges for 2014
The EEOC recently released information on the number and types of charges handled. Not surprisingly, retaliation charges constituted nearly 43 percent of all EEOC charges. You might ask why [...]
Controversy at Selma Unified — How A New Board Can Create a Lawsuit
Selma Unified School District Board fired its Superintendent who has been on the job for seven years, and whose contract was recently renewed. What did the Superintendent do that was [...]
Don’t Use Non-Compete Clauses in California!!!
Janet Keene at Sierra HR alerted me to this news article in the Huffington Post: out that Jimmy John's uses a non-compete with its cashiers, sandwich makers and delivery [...]